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East Coast Methamphetimine Labs on the Rise

With the recent September 11th attacks and the emphasis on homeland security, our nation's borders are tighter than ever.   This heightened security is effecting the importation of illegal drugs into this country. Thousands of addicted drug users, having their supply of cocaine and heroin cut, have turned to Methamphetamene to replace their drug needs.  

Methamphetamines once thought to only be a Midwest and West Coast problem is rapidly expanding to the East Coast and Mid-Atlantic States.  It is easy to understand why when the recipe for cooking Methamphetamines is widely available on the internet and the drug is easy and cheap to make.  The basic chemicals for Methamphetamines can be found at the local supermarket, drug store, and hardware supply houses.

$80.00 in supplies can yield as much as $1,000.00 in finished crystal Methamphetamine.

Law enforcement has long known about the explosive dangers of Methamphetamine labs.  What police may not know is that an active drug lab has many other dangers.  Most prevalent are the toxic chemicals and bloodborne pathogen issues that accompany the drug labs.  The toxic chemicals found at the crime scene may cause burns to the skin and respiratory tract.  The fumes from these chemicals from even a small "cook" can contaminate the lab and surrounding area.  The fumes can penetrate and are absorbed by clothing, dry wall, carpet, and furniture.

Most agencies think that when the Drug Enforcement Agency raids a lab, they clean up the lab. Which is only part true.  The D.E.A. contracts ten hazardous material removal companies through out the United States to remove the bulk cooking chemicals and related lab ware.

The D.E.A. does not remediate the public health hazard of the lab.  These amateur cooks dump dangerous chemicals down the drain or toilet or in the back yard, causing environmental problems.   These same cooks haphazardly mix their drug concoctions and spill the solutions on the floors and rugs.

For the landlords or homeowners, the clean up can be disastrously expensive. Most lab cleanups can cost $10,000 or more.   A heavily contaminated lab must be nearly gutted.  The work can take days and sometimes it is cheaper to tear the structure down than clean it.  

The effects of living in a former drug lab can be disastrous.  Physical symptoms can be headaches, dizziness, nausea, brain damage and birth defects.  Landlords need to be aware of the liability of renting a former drug lab without proper clean up.

After a raid the local department of health should be notified that a clandestine lab was present in the structure to assess the habitability of the structure.

Bio-Clean of New Jersey is one of a small number of companies nation wide prepared and trained to decontaminate Methamphetamine labs.  Please call us for more information.

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